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30-12-2009 01:55
Babbling Loonie
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I started on BoTP too, and back then, BoTP was the only series I knew about. When I was in college, though, one of my friends was deeply into comics and anime. He was the one who told me that BoTP was based on a Japanese anime series called Gatchaman. This was wayyyyy before my Gatch obsession hit, so it was just one of those pieces of info that you said "oh really? That's interesting." and kinda filed it away in the back of your head. Fast forward about 10 years, and, as James said, I was reliving my childhood by watching the Rhino BoTP releases, which has a Gatch ep on each disc. I watched that first Gatch ep, and I was hooked!! As horrified as I was to see what Zark was really like, I was that amazed at Gatch and its storyline and characters.
I still have a very soft spot in my heart for BoTP, but Gatch is the one that stole it.
Eagle in Charge
31-12-2009 15:16
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quote: | Originally posted by Hinotori
I still have a very soft spot in my heart for BoTP, but Gatch is the one that stole it.  |
I, too, started on BoTP when I was a little girl. It was on TV at 4pm everyday after school and I would race home to catch it in time. I distinctly remember that I really liked Mark, but I wasn't even sure why at the time. It was definitely before I had any interest in boys, and certainly no boy in my school was that cute!
Some thirty years later (has it been that long!), my husband and I were having a discussion about best cartoon theme songs - he thought Star Blazers and I thought BoTP, naturally. I searched for it on YouTube to prove him wrong and discovered...Gatchaman!
It took a while to get used to all the new names, but these days, I think of Mark as Ken. But whatever he's called, I still think of him as my first crush.
31-12-2009 19:25
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quote: | Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I envy people like Marie and Saturn and Daniela who saw rel Gatchaman as kids... oh, I would have loved that! But I'm making up for it now.  |
Welcome back, TJ! In fact, for me, it's the other way round ... I'm more character orientated with Ken, Joe, Jun, Jinpei and Ryu than I am with Mark, Jason, etc ... or, more specifically, I almost don't know anything about the last ones as I've literally grown up with Gatchaman and Gatchaman only!
To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!
02-01-2010 08:48
Cain Highwind
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I did the third option, though it might count as Other too.
I had always heard the name G-Force here and there, but never really knew what it was about. I remember when G-Force was being shown on CN's Late night run, but I think I passed on it thinking it was just old and corny (I was a reckless teen in that whole "I'm too grown up and mature to watch most cartoons" stage)
It was then last year that Tatsunoko vs Capcom was announced that I wanted to learn about these characters (because I was honestly curious and didn't want to feel "left out" from people's appreciation of the characters). I had watched a few episodes of BotP and as corny and obvious as the edits look now, I still found the show endearing and entertaining. Unlike my teens I've become a real appreciator of all kinds of Animation.
As I familiarized myself with the series more, I found this place, and thanks to (I think) Miss T.J.'s post about a Rightstuf sale, I decided to take the plunge and buy the whole series for about $100.
As of now, I'm still in the process of catching up when I can, seen 54 episodes so far. I've really learned a LOT this past year (a huge thanks to you guys ^_^), but I try not to sound like some "Oh I've been a Gatchafan for YEARS" Poser fan (feel free to remind me whenever I start sounding like that ^^;;. Though it really does feel like that now.
I'm honestly really envious of you guys, because I'll never have that childhood appreciation of the series you guys do from "missing the boat" the first time.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Cain Highwind on 03-01-2010 at 09:35.
03-01-2010 09:26