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The Debating Room
Keep your minds sharp and let your opinions be known in this open debate forum. Post any discussion topic, whether from classical arguments or current events. Controversy is expected!
Comics & Manga
Want to know what series are the best, what has just been released, and what great manga and comics are offered online? Discuss your favorites, share news and compare manga and comic books to their animated versions!
Video/PC Games, Models & Toys
Have you been seduced by Sony? Taken captive by Capcom? Check out the latest to hit the model and toy market. Really, who says we can't be kids at heart?
Film Flam
Post your reviews of the latest releases to cinemas and DVD! Also check in regularly for previews, trailer links and news regarding the next boxoffice hit!
The Music Box
Tune it in and turn it up! Talk about your favorite music and musicians, post up reviews of new songs and CDs, and read about some of the latest news in the music industry!
Gatchaman Merchandise, old & new
Looking for a hard to find Gatchaman item? Have something of Gatchamania you'd like to sell? This is forum is updated regularly to get fans in touch with that hard to find merchandise!
Interactive Fiction
This is your chance to interact with your favorite costumed heroes! Choose any character from anywhere, or make one up on your own, and start writing!
Rubber Room
Complete with padded walls, this is the area to post fiction, art and other topics not for the faint of heart and innocent of mind.
(By entering this forum you agree that you are not classed as a minor in your country.)
The Chat Logs
Did you join in a great roleplay session at the Kit Katse Klub or the forum chatrooms? Did you come in late or leave early, or did you miss it altogether? Posted here are some of the best roleplay sessions and chats from our real time chatrooms!
The Writers Block
Need a beta reader for you new fanfic? Looking for someone to with whom to write? Look no further! Drop in with ideas, stories and plot ideas and receive some great constructive criticism. Don't forget--we welcome all fan and original fiction, in any genre!
Editorials & Essays
Post all your non-fiction essays, articles and editorials here. All topics welcome--looks like it's time to dig out all those old university term papers!
The Artists Pallete
Want to broaden your knowledge of artist software? Or need a certain pic, or a hint on how to draw Joe's slightly upturned nose? Come in and share your techniques and your artwork.
Hobbies & Crafts
We know you do more in your leisure time than visit Gatchamania! Tell us what you pursue in your free time, post some how-to and info articles and see if you can get us hooked on your hobby!
Cosplay Center
Whether you're new to cosplay and sewing, or you're a pro, feel free to ask questions, post your cosplaying experiences and provide links to your latest costumes! We'll help you through your cosplay every step of the way.
The buy, sell or swap shop
Welcome to Gatchamania's own Classifieds section! Post here if you're looking to buy, sell or trade something you own--and don't be afraid to ask for a special item! We'll try our best to find you what you're looking for.
The World on the Web
Stop by and chat here to learn more about the thousands of cultures in the world--all accessible via the Web! Share links and stories about your multicultural experiences--music, food, customs and traditions, mythology and religion, dress, even language!
Tatsunoko Productions all rights to Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman, licensed to
Sandy Frank Syndication (Battle of the Planets), Turner Broadcasting (G-Force) and Saban Entertainment (Eagle Riders).
This site is not endorsed or affiliated with any of these companies and makes no claim to any of the above rights. Please read the Rules and Conditions of use.
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